Press Articles
Simplifying your future
GAIA Converter augments its DC-DC converter portfolio for the most demanding rail applications with an ultra-wide input range
Press Article – June 2023

GAIA Converter is expanding its range of high reliability and industrial grade wide-input DC-DC converters for rail applications to meet the needs of rapidly-evolving railway infrastructure. The upgraded ultra-wide input portfolio achieves outstanding mean time between failures (MTBF) performance while satisfying the most demanding surge requirements, allowing a near seamless modular architecture offering from 5W to 500W. GAIA Converter’s latest additions include an input bus conditioner, a new device that can suppress extreme surges in railway environments and board-mount parts rated at 20W, 40W and 80W, with the added feature of 3kVAC reinforced safety isolation rating to IEC 62368-1.